Acne treatments, especially acne alternative forms of treatment are being searched by a growing aggressiveness today. Most pharmacies online and offline are experiencing all time high in sales of acne treatments. Available statistics on acne affected people are not very reliable, since most cases go unreported. It is widely believed however, that over two thirds of Americans suffer from acne today. That is a great crisis that we are talking here, and therefore the need to fully understand the acne treatments available "types of acne"
Why acne treatment alternatives are more attractive
Acne is not a condition of the surface. That results from blockage of the pores of the skin by the oil naturally produced by your skin. These pores help run its excretory and respiratory functions as well. Without these pores, bacteria accumulate easily along with other toxins. The combination starts the accumulation of dead skin cells around the (injuries) that can be irritating and painful.
The problem with most conventional treatments of acne is that they are lotions, ointments, oils and other surface treatment approaches. When applied more fat substances in the skin and clog, can aggravate the problem rather than solve it. The best we can achieve is the removal of scars, while the problem remains under the skin bacteria to create a little more than scars "pictures of acne".
Acne treatment alternatives address the problem causing bacteria and thereby eliminating acne from its roots. Advantages of alternative treatments for acne> include:
• Expand the body's general health, besides treating acne
• The heal the source of the problem not the symptom of surface
• Less expensive
• readily available for all patients
• No side effects
Examples of alternative acne treatment
1. Minerals and vitamin supplements
Acne begins in a clear deficiency of some essential vitamins that support the growth, maintenance and function of the skin. When vitamins such as A and E and pantothenic acid levels are deficient, severe acne is the result.
To prevent or remedy this deficiency with high intake of fruits and vegetables to obtain the essential minerals is important. Even more important are vitamin supplements, they do not actually cure acne. In naturopathy, vitamin supplements used in conjunction with cleaning products and herbal skin remains the most effective alternative treatment of acne.
2. Light treatment
Another acne treatment alternative in contemporary usage is light treatment. The method uses ultraviolet light to clear acne accumulation. This treatment method requires guidance and advice of a professional dermatologist.
3. Herbs and herbal extracts
In most women and especially adolescents, acne is caused by imbalances in hormone levels. However, this can be rectified using herbs such as chaste berry, dong quai, black cohosh, evening primrose, red clover and wild yam. According to leading herbalists, these herbs help to balance the sometimes mischievous female sex hormone estrogen. Also counterbalance androgens, the hormone that causes sebrum excess production. The high levels of fat clog hair follicles, forming acne.
Besides mastering the estrogen and androgen, a specialist in herbs have been said to reduce infections and inflammation evident in male and female patients. Other herbs that are essential to this front are echinacea, dandelion, licorice, burdock, sage and peony red. The herbs not only kill bacteria, but also expand the capacity of the skin to heal.
4. Other Treatments Tropical
Some of the key topical treatments in use today are the algae and tea tree oil. These provide a favorite acne with a powerful alternative treatment and side effects free antibacterial properties. Therefore crucial in the treatment of inflammatory acne.
5. Psychological well-being
Experts believe that control of acne and or eliminating stress, anxiety, depression and psychological stress helps reduce the effects of acne. That means that any effective measure to relieve stress and maintain a balanced mental health is a viable treatment for patients with acne. Such measures include:
• Regular exercise
• Stress relieving activities such as walking
• Yoga sessions, etc.
• Aromatherapy
• Acupuncture
• Meditation
Most people opt for alternative treatment of acne mainly because they want to avoid the adverse side effects from the use of conventional medicines for acne. It is worth noting that the reverse can also occur when alternative acne treatments becomes a health threat. The lack of regulation and quality control mechanisms that alternative treatments do suspect and must personally ensure that what you use is safe and effective in the treatment of acne.
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